Spiritual Emissaries Group
Welcome to the Quantum Healers 369 Spiritual Emissaries Group, a group of souls dedicated and committed to bringing the collective consciousness of humanity to a higher level of awareness and awakening by re-connecting to Source Energy within.
We require that you watch our Quantum Healers 369 Vision Video and our Group Videos
before expressing your intention to join us.
Spiritual Living
Inner Work
Inner Wisdom
Inner Connection
3D – 5D Reality
More About Us
Contact Our Group
A welcoming place of comfort in peace, harmony and oneness, without fear or judgement. To assist in guiding others long the path of self-discovery in finding their soul purpose, freedom, peace and living a life of spiritual integrity.
Spiritual Living
Spirituality is a journey, connection to Source, our higher self and intuitive wisdom. Living life with personal truth, honesty, compassion, empathy, kindness, compassion and heart centred love above all.
Inner Work
Inner work is at the very foundation of the spiritual path to healing, transformation, and balanced awakening. Finding freedom, stepping into your power, and living in harmony and peace.
Inner work is identifying and ending the obstructions that obscure your Inner Light for the purpose of self-awareness, healing, transformation, and expansion.
Inner Wisdom
Inner wisdom, intuition, insight or guidance. Knowledge that comes from quieting the mind, setting aside the ego, setting aside one’s ideas of how things should be, and listening and feeling from one’s heart. Interacting from that deeper place, from your heart, from inner wisdom, you are grounded, peaceful and present.
Inner Connection
Extrasensory perception that becomes a part of our relationship with reality as we begin to reside in the fifth dimension (5D) is intuition. In the 5D world, intuitive knowing is the way. The 5D world requires no time, but connectedness to source. We intuitively do what feels right, and our natural intuitive ability responds. Trusting you know what you need to know, this is empowering.
3D – 5D Reality
Planet Earth has been going through an immense shift in consciousness for decades and building momentum. At this time, we are in an accelerated period of ascension as many are moving from a 3D density to a 5D density moving from fear to love, from separation to unity consciousness.
The ascension process is a global awakening of consciousness in shifting our 3D Timeline of Fear and Ego Matrix into 5D Unity and Love Consciousness forming an intimate connection with our highest self, oneness.
More About Us
Our Passion
is to inspire others on their unique spiritual journey, restoring humanity back to a heart centred connection, as the fulfilment of happiness leads to unity, oneness and inner peace.
Our Purpose
is to focus on initiating an alignment and remembrance of our original connection to Source, which provides every soul with the exact soul plan that has been chosen for this time in history.
Our Focus
is to provide inspiration, compassion and inner guidance to experience a deeper, intimate and personal connection to Source, while respecting and honouring that each person will experience their own journey in a unique and personal way.
Email us at QH369.Ask.Us@gmail.com
- for more information about our group
- to request an invite to our group Zoom meeting
- for any other questions for our group
Click here for our group video and application